Qix Wiki:Staff

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Qix Wiki has several levels of administration, collectively known as the Staff to ensure the security of the site, as well as dealing with content management, conflict resolution, mission integrity, and other maintenance functions.

Staff are not the be-all end-all when it comes to decision-making. All users are encouraged to propose changes, solutions, and ideas without fear that staff will shut them down because of their position. Staff are simply well-experienced and well-trusted individuals that have extra tools to better serve the function of the wiki.

Being staff is a voluntary position. Should a user choose to step down at any given time, they are more than welcome to do so. Staff may lose rank after extended periods of inactivity. For this reason, inactive or voluntarily demoted staff may return to their position if requested.

The staff ranks and capabilities are as follows:


Oversees the wiki and makes final decisions about promotions, scope, and social presence. These are effectively the "owners" of Qix Wiki, and carry the same permissions as administrators.

Current bureaucrats: Trig Jegman


This staff group is in charge of maintenance and safety. Users of this group have the ability to ban users from editing the site, delete pages and files, and other tools. They should be seen as well-experienced users who enforce the site policy.

Current administrators: Trig Jegman


This staff group is for highly active users with an eye for ensuring all content added to Qix Wiki is accurate, well displayed, and useful. Users in this group also have the ability to move pages without leaving redirects. Patrollers should be seen as model editors to look up to and follow.

Current patrollers: Anemoia

Policy and Guidelines

Manual of style Remaining objective Scope Files Deletion policy References Naming Non-Qix content Talk pages User content Remaining civil


Page skeleton Use of color Redirects

Administration and Users

Administration Autoconfirmed Users Requests for rights

Changing policy


See also

Playing Qix Copyrights Help pages